9/11 is a date related to sorrow, travesty, disaster and misery. An event which shook the entire world and left everyone petrified. Disbelief was the feeling the entire western world had 9/11/2001, when a terrorist act against the United States of America was committed. Four planes were hijacked and flown against four targets; the twin towers, the pentagon and the White House. However, only two of the planes fulfilled their assignment. The planes flew into the twin towers and annihilated them in under an hour. This led to the death of 2,976 innocent people. This was an attack against the entire western world. On my BIRTHDAY?! OH HEEEELL NOOO! They did NOT just do that!

This was some background information which 99 % of the world’s population is aware of, but I mentioned it nevertheless. Recently, my English class saw a documentary of 9/11. Where two French brothers followed a rookie firefighter through the ranks, everything was shot with a handheld camera. He was employed at a fire station in NYC, where we in the start of the movie follow his duties and responsibilities. Before the planes crashed into the buildings, the firefighters were called out which led them to a street a few blocks away from the towers. Suddenly they hear a low flying plane, which is highly unusual in NY, so the cameraman looks up and films the plane fly into the first tower. Throughout the rest of the movie, we are on the crash site, in the lobby with one of the French guys.
He films the entire experience from the lobby while his brother is back at the station with the rookie.
This movie is an incredibly strong and intense movie, which for many people can be hard to watch. The entire situations, the memories of the day, the association etc can be overwhelming. I personally found the movie strong and it left me with a strong impression. Just the knowledge that this is authentic footage, and all the people who die actually died makes it so much harder to watch. Even though it can be tough to experience this day over again, especially so close, it is still an educational movie which honors the firefighters. The firefighters who walked into the building to save people they didn’t even know and lost their lives.